This is your place for everything BT Urruela from Kruse Images & Photography
The Official 2021 BT Urruela Calendar
It's been three years since we made a calendar, so we decided to put together 12 of our favorite photos for you, so you can kick off 2021 the right way! You can either get just the calendar, or there are two other options. You can get the calendar with 2 unisgned 5x7 prints, or a signed 8x12. Quantities are limited for the signed prints, so if you want this option, make sure you grab it quickly!
Calendars are on pre-order now, and should ship by the end of November. Sometimes Apple users have issues with the paypal button, if you are having issues paying, we can send you an invoice. Please contact us. If you are planning on getting it shipped outside of the US please use the second button which includes international shipping.
***Use the button below for international orders***