Follow your dreams

January 24, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

The picture above may just look like a photo of a bookcase full of books, but it is so much more than that. This photo isn't about the bookcase, but rather what is on it. It contains the paperbacks I have so far from the authors who chose to put one of my photos on the cover. To me they are so much more than books. They are the results of hopes and dreams, of blood sweat and tears, of countless hours of work. Each and every book represents an author who has poured their heart into the pages, and it's an honor that they chose my photos for the covers. I feel so incredibly blessed to have found my passion. To be working for myself and pursuing that passion each and every day. There were days when I first started my business that I almost gave up. That I thought I would have to walk away from my dream and go back to the "real" world workforce. There were days when I was so discouraged by things people said to me, or frustrated when I couldn't pay my bills and I almost gave up. But the thought of giving up was so much worse to me. So I kept working my ass off, knowing that somehow, someway, I would succeed doing what I love. Then I found this crazy little book world and was able to combine my passion for photography with my passion for reading. I found a whole community of people who are my "same kind of weird." A whole community of people who understand what it is to follow your passion and see it come to fruition.
I am so incredibly blessed to be part of this book world. When I was younger I always thought that it would be pretty amazing to be able to travel while doing photography and get paid to do it. Well, it pays to dream big. It pays to work your ass off. It's worth the blood, sweat and tears and the struggles paying my bills. Because today and every day forward I am living my dream and pursuing my passion. <3

Thank you to those who have had faith in me and especially thanks to all of those authors who are on this shelf, as well as the ones who will soon join it, and will fill many more. Because this? This is so much more than just a shelf full of books. This is a shelf full of dreams and passion to follow those dreams. <3

#Dreambig #postpositive


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